Welcome to the Bristol Bay Foundation


Yup’ik for “Becoming Aware”

Following a period of self-reflection, the Foundation has recently undergone a rebranding effort to better align our identity with our mission and deepen our understanding of the impact we seek to achieve. We are becoming Aware.

We are thrilled to announce that we have recently undergone a rebranding and renaming process!

Our rebranding effort was driven by a desire to better connect with our audience and to modernize our image. The Foundation has grown and evolved over time, and we felt that our old name and branding no longer accurately reflected who we are and what we do. We wanted a name and brand that would better capture the essence of our organization and its impact.

We were originally established in 1992, by the Bristol Bay Native Corporation (BBNC) as the BBNC Education Foundation to increase access to higher education for the people of Bristol Bay.

As we've grown and evolved to focus on education and cultural heritage, we realized that our current name no longer fully represents who we are and what we do.

As part of our rebranding effort, we have also updated our logo, website, and other materials to reflect our new identity. We believe that this new look and feel better represents our organization and will help us connect with our audience in a more meaningful way.

Our logo, the stone oil lamp, (also called a “naniq”) represents the warmth, light, and hope that culture and education bring to our broader Bristol Bay community. It's a symbol of our rich indigenous heritage, our own knowledge systems, and our dedication to promoting it.

We are excited about this new chapter in our organization's history and are looking forward to continuing to make a positive impact in Bristol Bay and beyond. Thank you for your support as we embark on this new journey!

Our foundation has provided over $11,800,000 in scholarships to 5,048 students.

By investing in our youth,

we invest in our future, which enriches and benefits all Alaskans.

Our foundation has provided over $600,000 in 129 cultural heritage grant awards to

nonprofit, school districts, and tribal organizations that serve BBNC Shareholder and Descendants.